Which files are written to disk ?

pySkyNet makes a system call to SkyNet, before it does so it writes away files that SkyNet uses. Once the neural net is trained pySkyNet reads in the results and returns them to the user.

See examples below.

Files written before training:

The features and targets for training:

self.train_input_file  = ''.join([self.input_root, self.id, '_train.txt'])

The features and targets for validation:

self.valid_input_file  = ''.join([self.input_root, self.id,'_test.txt'])

The SkyNet configuration file:

self.SkyNet_config_file = ''.join([self.config_root, self.id, '_reg.inp']) #Regression
self.SkyNet_config_file = ''.join([self.config_root, self.id, '_cla.inp']) #Classification

Files written after training:

Once training has completed SkyNet writes the following files to disk:

Training predictions:

self.train_pred_file = ''.join([output_root_file, '_train_pred.txt'])

Validation predictions:

self.valid_pred_file = ''.join([output_root_file, '_test_pred.txt'])

Learned weights file:

self.network_file = ''.join([output_root_file, 'network.txt'])

Files written after predicting:

Prediction file:

self.output_file = ''.join([self.result_root,self.id, '_predictions.txt'])

Format of prediction files:

All files that contain predictions have the same format. regardless if labels or targets are not known or not.

The format of the columns is follows for regression predictions:
feature_1 feature_2 ... feauture_n true_target pred_taget

For Classification it is as follows:

feature_1 feature_2 ... feauture_n true_class_1 ... true_class_n prob_class_1 ... prob_class_n

If the true targets/classes are not know the ‘true’ values are meaningless, but they will still be printed to file. pySkyNet only returns the prediction values. The true_class_[n] is printed in one-hot encoding, thus all values are zero expect for the correct class. The sum of all values of prob_class_[n] is equal to 1.


sn_reg = SkyNetRegressor(id='identification', n_jobs=1, activation=[3,3,3,0], layers=[10,10,10], max_iter=200)
test_yhat = sn_reg.predict(X_test)

After which:

>>> print sn_reg.train_input_file
>>> print sn_reg.test_input_file
>>> print sn_reg.SkyNet_config_file
>>> print sn_reg.train_pred_file
>>> print sn_reg.valid_pred_file
>>> print sn_reg.network_file
>>> print sn_reg.output_file